1:1 nutrition counseling is offered in the following commitment packages below:
I offer personalized medical nutrition therapy with a root-cause holistic lifestyle medicine approach.
This holistic process takes several sessions to allow clients to reach their health and wellness goals
offered in 1:1 coaching (both in person and virtual are available).
- Each package includes a 70-minute onboarding session and 50-minute follow-up sessions scheduled 2-3 weeks apart personalized towards your unique nutrition and fitness history, progress, and behavior changes needed.
- Sessions cover topics such as macronutrient and micronutrient analysis, meal timing and prep, and developing mindful and intuitive eating habits. Resource guides, sample meal plans, recipes, and handouts provided as applicable.
For insurance carriers outside of Aetna, Amerihealth, Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans Horizon and Anthem, Independent Blue Cross, and Cigna, you can inquire with the ABS Verification of Benefits Form pdf in the FOR INSURANCE section and you will need to pay for the visit at the time of service using my packages and submit a superbill for possible out of network reimbursement.
Andie’s approach to nutrition and fitness is grounded in MINDFULNESS and rooted in the INTUITIVE EATING and a BEHAVIORAL MODIFICATION approach. This science and behavioral treatment approach helps patients fuel and heal their bodies while also developing a healthy relationship with food. Her nutrition specialties include sports performance and fitness nutrition, pediatric and adolescent nutrition, early life and family nutrition (pregnancy through starting solids), and disordered eating.