Eating Disorders

Healing from an eating disorder is a comprehensive journey, and nutritional therapy is a vital component of this recovery process. Here at ABS Nutrition and Fitness, we provide specialized nutritional counseling tailored to a range of eating disorders, encompassing anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder and more. 

Our expertise particularly shines when working with athletes, thanks to Andie's sports background, aiding those who struggle with eating disorders.

What Your Journey Will Look Like
Every client embarks on a personalized therapeutic journey, beginning with an in-depth health history assessment, understanding current challenges, and setting achievable goals. 

Together, we'll devise specific interventions to support your body's nutritional restoration, counteract ED-related thoughts, and foster a healthier relationship with food.

For a detailed discussion on our nutritional counseling services and rates, we invite you to  click here.